Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dare 8: Love is Not Jealous

Dare 8: Love is Not Jealous

"Jealousy is one of the strongest drives known to man.  It comes from the root word for zeal and means 'to burn with an intense fire.'  The Scripture pointedly says, 'Wrath is fierce and anger is a flood, but who can stand before jealousy?' (Proverbs 27:4)"

To clear up a misconception of God and jealousy first it is important to recognize that there are two forms of jealousy: a legitimate jealousy and an illegitimate jealousy.  When scripture speaks of God being a jealous God it is referring to the legitimate jealousy which means that God is longing for us, desiring that we keep Him as our first love.  

Unfortunately, the jealousy that we struggle with is typically the illegitimate time.  It is very clearly in opposition to love.  It is rooted in selfishness.  "This is to be jealous of someone, to be 'moved with envy.'"  

This week's dare will focus a little more on our relations with our coworkers.  While I'm sure it is possible to become jealous of our students, I imagine that jealousy of our coworkers is a far bigger issue.  Jealousy happens when someone else has something, or gets something, that you want.  Instead of feeling happy for them, you get angry. It's so important to harness that anger and let love win out.  If that doesn't happen, that jealousy can take a deep root in your heart.  The book of James says that envy leads to fighting, quarreling, and every evil thing (James 3:16, 4:1-2).      

I'm going to avoid providing examples here for the sake of protecting my coworkers.   I know that I could provide plenty of examples of myself, but if any of my coworkers are reading this, I don't want anyone to feel as though I'm pointing our their "failures" as well... I'm sure if we take a step back it will be easy to become aware of where jealousy has seeped into our relationships at work--whether it be work related or life related.  

"Because love is not selfish and puts others first, it refuses to let jealousy in.... It is time to let love, humility, and gratefulness destroy any jealousy that springs up in your heart."     

This Week's Dare

Determine to become your coworkers, and your students, biggest fans.  Reject any thoughts of jealousy.  Last week I asked that you make a list of the positive and negative things about some of your students.  This is where you will throw out the negative list--a way of showing you are ready to only look at the good in people.  Share with your coworkers and students your encouragement about successes they are encountering. 
What are some positive experiences you can celebrate in the life of your coworkers and students?   How can you encourage them toward future successes?  

Sidenote: Sometimes I look back on a week and wonder how well I have actually done with that week's particular dare.  It is easy to get caught up in the business of the day and forget to focus on one thing in particular.  What I'm trying to say is, don't get to caught up in the particulars.  The goal of this is to love our students better.  If you are striving to love your students (and coworkers, and family, etc.) then you're striving in toward the right goal.  I hope God is showing you new ways to love and is placing people in your lives that show you His love.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Something I often need to tell myself...
    It doesn't matter who gets credit. As long as whatever it is that should be happening happens and that students in my building gain from it. I remind myself that recognition isn't obligated; I am obligated. I need to feel my reward through my own positivity not someone else's praise.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing! So very true, and I really like the thought that we are obligated... definitely a good way of looking at it :)
